Monday Funday

For some miraculous but unknown reason, my body knew it had to go back to work today and woke me up at 7:15. Made some tea and checked email. Far too many things to grade. Prepped for AVID Live Lesson.

Ian (10) woke up around nine and wanted to go to Rainbow (his daycare) right away, but Evan (6) wasn't awake yet. Ian solved that problem promptly and the normal chaos of dressing, bathroom going, and lunch packing ensued. We got half way to school when Evan lamented that we had forgotten his bicycle, so Ian marched ahead to Rainbow and I went back to the bike locker with Evan to fetch his bike.

Fetching, walking, signing in and returning complete, I finished preping for class and attacked the queue of grading. Some progress was made before class, which went well. We did some data entry house cleaning and watched this awesome TED talk by George Takei. It was about Japanese internment and Japanese-American fighters in World War II. I highly recommend it.

What with the way of life these days and the estrangement of barely leaving the house, I haven't really been hungry, but this has had no side effect of weight loss so it hasn't paid off to my advantage. I forced myself to eat a salad, as it was the fastest thing I could prepare, being prepackaged from Trader Joe's, and continued on my grading quest. Some progress was made.

I only talked to one student; he called me. He had almost met his goal of having no overdue lessons as of today, and I congratulated him. I will check in on him again next week.

With the grading situation improved if not tamed, I picked up Evan for occupational teletherapy and signed in for that on time. Ian didn't want to come home yet, so he walked home himself later. Evan was successful in OT for about 20 minutes, then he crawled under my desk and pouted on the bed under a blanket for several minutes until I agreed to draw an island for the origami boat he folded instead of him doing it himself. The therapist said that the time limit for most kids was 20 minutes, so I tried to not chalk that up to total failure. The boat he made was pretty cute.

After that, I started preparing the endless parade of food I have to make each evening. I prepared and/or served up a breakfast bar, apple sauce, milk, an egg and cheese quesadilla, two bean and cheese quesadillas, and four corn dogs. Then, I had to eat half of the egg quesadilla because there were some black parts on it from cooking that Ian wouldn't eat. That was not my intended dinner, but I took one for the team. Why, again, is it Mom who always has to take one for the team? The mind reels.

Last significant accomplishment of the day was helping Ian with his journal entry for school. He narrates, I type and make helpful suggestions about transition words and adding detail. Today's entry ran to three paragraphs. Best. Entry. Ever.

Boys escaped to end the evening in screens. I colored and listed to some US history lectures. Day ends with Evan sharing his jelly beans, he loves jelly beans, with Matt, and all is well with the world. May the same be for you as well.


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