How is it only Tuesday?

Got up. Made and drank some tea. Went to a training on Emotional Intelligence. Graded some things. Woke up the boys. Evan was mad that the internet wasn't working on his tablet, so I convinced him to play on my phone while I made lunches. Evan has been demanding Ian's lunchbox, and Ian has been equiminious enough to tolerate Evan's unicorn lunchbox. Thank goodness for small favors.

Evan got pita chips, hummus, salami and cucumber. Ian got tortilla chips and two kiwi. There doesn't seem to be any protein that Ian will eat in his lunch, so I just give him what I know he will eat. One must pick one's own battles.

"Evan, do you want pants or shorts?"
Excellent. This will come back to haunt me.

Shoes on, bags packed, we are out the door. We get the bike, we walk outside. It is a beautiful, sunny day. All is well with the world. Evan screams, "My legs are freezing!"

"Baby, you said you wanted shorts."

"I can't go to school because my legs are freezing."

We park the bike and go back up stairs.

Abandoned by Ian, who will have no part in these shenanigans, I get Evan a sweatshirt and pants. We put the sweatshirt on, and he marches out of the apartment. I put down the pants, and follow. We get back to the bike, pedal about three paces, then he gets off, throws his bike to the ground, and declares that his legs are still freezing. It is 70 degrees.

I pick up the bike. I move it to the grass so as to not block the walkway. I ask him, "What do you want now?"

"I WANT PANTS!" Okay. Point made.

My appointment is at 10:00. It is 9:52.

I text my 10 o'clock that I am going to be late, then walk upstairs, again, to get Evan some pants. In the apartment, shoes off, shorts off, pants on, shoes on. It is 9:58.

Back down stairs. Back on the bike. Walk to the school. Try to drop off the boy. Class is at the bathroom. Wait for class to come back from the bathroom. Realize that I packed the unicorn lunchbox for Evan. Tears ensue. Walk over to switch lunchboxes with Ian. Class is back from the bathroom. Drop off complete.

Rush back to my apartment. 15 minutes late for 10 o'clock  meeting. Meeting goes fine. No one is permanently harmed.

Day goes fine. Meet with some people, grade some things. Spoke with 10 kids to make up for yesterday. Work day complete.

Matt got home early, so I asked him if he could pick up the boys while I went to Trader Joe's. He asked me to buy him a mask, so I did that on the way to the store. There was no line at TJ's for the first time in several weeks. Shelves showed wear at the end of the day.

Pulled all my food home in my wagon. Ian helped me unload. Boys ate pretzels and humas for snack while I baked mini pizzas, then they inhaled the mini pizzas. I had spaghetti and turkey meatballs. Mine was good, and they didn't complain. 

Matt went to bed early, which makes sense as he left for work before I woke up. Boys watched screens while I colored and watched reruns of The Last Kingdom on Netflix. The books are better, but I can't read and color. We all make decisions in our lives.

May you and yours be as well or better.


  1. So happy you're back!! I still have lots of Reasons still saved on my computer from 2015! Your Reasons Like Seasons will brighten my days again!!

    1. I am so glad that you enjoy my blog. I am glad to be back!


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