Ian's Typing Adventure

I have been typing Ian's (10) homework because he complains that his typing is too slow, which is painfully true. I emailed his teacher, and he said that they have a district provided typing game, Typing Instructor. Ian is not impressed.

First of all, there are like eleven sign in levels before he can start the game. Not a great start. Then, the graphics and interface of the game are from 1994. Not getting better. Typer Shark of my youth was better. Or at least that's how I remember it.

On first attempt, he presses all the keys as fast as he can, for a high words per minute score and a low score for accuracy. He does this several times. Ire rising. Success not forthcoming.

Then, he tries for real. 92% accuracy and 12 WPM. The goal is 90% and 20 WPM. Boy continues to be unhappy.

Several more lightning rounds ensue, so I tell him he needs to take a break. He disagrees. I insist. It went worse than it sounds.

I pry the chrome book from his hands, grab the Switch from the bed, and fall over myself trying to get off the bed where he was "working." Matt intervenes. Apparently homework time is over.

Now, I am at the table, holding the chromebook and Switch hostage while Ian harasses Evan (6) in the bedroom. This is the joy of home schooling. 

P.S. Ian emerges from the bedroom, willing to negotiate. I say 10 minutes of typing, then he can have his screens back. 

"5 minutes," he counters.

"10," I respond.





"7 and a half."


"Alexa, set a timer for 7 and a half minutes."

And all is well with the world.


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