About socks

My children eat socks. They simply disappear. Evaporate into the void. There is no end to their wanting.

So, I ordered socks. I ordered the same packs I have bought three or four times before. Medium whites for the little one and large black for the big one. He will only wear black socks. The 16 year old goth in me appreciates the gesture.

I tried to wake the boys up at nine today and was somewhat successful. Ian went happily along his way after my Economics Live Lesson from 10 to 11, but Evan would not be moved. I hid the tablet and my Switch, but he would not go to daycare. Instead, he basically bothered me all day while I tried to work. Everything went really slowly.

I had an important meeting at 3:30, so I let him have the tablet then. I didn't want him showing up on camera while I was in my Summer School interview. Me teaching Summer School will pay for their camp experience. I really need this job. Feel free to send good thoughts into the universe for me.

School day over, I went to fetch Ian. Evan insisted on taking his bike, which basically means that everything is going to take 7 times longer. Everything took 7 times longer. Going anywhere with him is a nightmare.

Picked up Ian, dropped Ian off. Walked to Trader Joe's and got all the food. On the way home, Evan wanted to take his bike up the stairs, which obviously doesn't work, so when I refused to follow him he abandoned his bike and demanded that I take it home. I did my best to stay in control of myself.

Evan left his bike on the walkway and came running after me. I slowly but surely took my groceries to the elevator lobby. After asking Evan to stay with the food, I went back onto the grounds, fetched his bike, and put it in the bike locker in the garage. Then, I came back to the elevator lobby and found Evan in the stairwell trying to carry all the food up the stairs. I grabbed him, grabbed the food, and got all involved onto the elevator and onto the 2nd floor. Deep breathing was definitely involved.

Food in the apartment; food put away. Ate delicious potato chips and onion dip while cooking pizza for the men folk and pasta for me. Sat down to eat to a text that Ian's Boy Scout zoom meeting had started, then ran to get him all situated. Evan continued to watch YouTube.

Now, finally, everyone is settled. Evan is cuddling in my lap; Ian is silently watching screen time. Matt is absorbed in his computer, so I am just going to leave him alone with that. Half of marriage is knowing when not to interfere.

May you and yours be well or better.


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