It's All About Perspective

I had the most exciting day. I actually drove the car. I left my tiny universe of home, school, and Trader Joe's and embarked on a marvelous journey. My expectations for life are dangerously low these days.

Evan woke up at seven. SEVEN. I did not like this plan. Seven am and Saturday do not belong in the same sentence. I somehow got him settled with his tablet, and I was able to go back to sleep. Thank the earth for small miracles.

A much more appropriate 9:30 rolled in, and I found Evan dead asleep with his tablet running in his hand. I guess seven WAS too early for everyone involved. I could have told you that myself.

Because there is no eating out right now, we have made a habit of getting take out breakfast on Saturdays. This week was my turn. I offered the option of locations: McDonald's or Carl's Jr. My expectation that four people could agree on one restaurant was met with whole hearted disapproval. Unwilling to press my point, I made an ungodly list of breakfast items for the aforementioned number of people. Apparently I am feeding a nation state rather than my nuclear family.

Matt had parked the car in the far back parking lot for some reason, so I walked myself over there and easily found the car. I changed glasses, turned on the radio, and backed out of my space. At the edge of the complex, I hesitated, longing for the elusive Starbucks, but unsure if I could make breakfast hours at all locations before the chime of 11:00. Throwing caution to the wind, I turned left instead of right, and drove to the far away Starbucks because the closer one is closed. 

After a ridiculous maze of road cones and parking lot markers, I received my venti Strawberry Refresher from the masked lady at the drive thru. First. Sip. Pleasures. It was worth the risk.

Carl's Jr. was next, as I would be damned if I went out to breakfast and didn't get the breakfast I wanted. All went well; I got my egg and cheese burrito and other assorted orders and was off to McDonald's. It was 10:55. I might just make it.

I didn't make it. When I drove up to the menu screen, it was lunch, so Evan's breakfast platter was a no go. I hoped he wouldn't cry. Also, they seemed to be on a reduced menu as there was neither yogurt parfaits or apple pies. Evan is getting the short end of the stick today.

Food acquired, I drove home listening to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. I found a spot in the normal parking lot because I am awesome, changed glasses, then hauled three restaurants worth of food and beverages upstairs. Mission: Acomplished. Mic down.

Evan was disappointed that several of his food items were unavailable, but since he had ordered 3,256 things, there was enough food that he would not starve. With Matt and Ian also satisfied, I basked in the glory of a task completed. It was the farthest I had been from my house in 14 days.

May you and yours be well. And fed.


  1. Congrats on getting out & securing yummy breakfast items! (I was happy just to drive to visit a grocery store recently.)

    1. It's funny how stuff I used to see as a chore is now the highlight of my day!


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