Life is a Journey, But I Want to Go Live at the Destination

At work, I cannot see incremental progress. I know intellectually that our program has improved, that I am a better teacher than I was in the past, but because there is still room to grow, because I am not all that I want to be, I stress and fret and am never satisfied.

At home, I cannot see incremental progress. I know intellectually that my children are small, that they will not stay one and five forever, but because Boy One throws a fit, because Boy Two pulls all the clean clothes onto the floor, I stress and fret and am never satisfied.

I do not know the solution to my problem.

I do not know how to manipulate how I perceive time and my own shortcomings or how to find more peace within myself.

I do know that I love my children and respect my students, all of whom are talented and beautiful, flawed and deeply human.

May I find a way to grant myself that love and that respect.

May I find a way to see the progress without drowning in the incremental.


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