So, So Angry

A couple of days ago, Matt was checking the credit card charges and it came to our attention that Ian had charged a bunch of money on Switch games. It never came to my attention exactly how much was a lot. We took away the Switch for a couple of days. Problem solved. 

Today, he wanted to join the fan club of a YouTuber. It is a dollar a month. He gets extra access to promotional videos and some other assorted YouTube stuff that doesn't matter to me because I'm not ten. He wants it; I have a solution.

Minimum wage in California is 12 dollars an hour. He wants 12 dollars; I want one hour of work. One hour of typing club will do the trick. To put it lightly, Ian finds this unreasonable.

I am unwilling to bend. He wants money; I want work. Work that helps him be a more productive human, all the better. He has no recommendations for alternative plans.

In the process of him rejecting my plan, he lets it slip that he spent 700 DOLLARS on video games. 700 dollars. I am floored. I thought, on the worst end, that he spent like 200 dollars. I can't even remember the last time I spent 700 dollars. Okay, well, yes I can, it was on my phone, but at least that is spred out monthly as part of my phone bill. 700 dollars in one month is more than can be reasoned with. I don't even have words for how mad I am.

I am reminded of the year I had to take some time off of school and found myself in rural Georgia for a semester. I spent 1,000 on long distance calls roaming on my cell phone smoking cigarettes on the roof of my parents house. They paid the bill. They still talk to me.

Back to present. I have to figure out how to live with the theaving bandit who stole 700 dollars from me. I have to let him know that I still love him. I have to be the adult.

May your day have gone better than mine did.


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