Food and more food

7:25 pm
Matt walks into the dining room from the boys room.
"Ian says he hasn't eaten diner and is hungry," he says.
I reply, "Ian has eaten five sandwiches. Two turkey, three ham. How can he possibly still be hungry?"
Matt walks back to the boys' room, then returns.
"Ian said that wasn't dinner and that he wants dinner."
The mind reels.
"I made noodles for dinner. They weren't that good. Don't tell him that. He can have them with tomato sauce, butter, or soy sauce."
Matt walks back to the boys' room, then returns.
"He said he wants butter and tomato sauce."
I make a face indicating severe aversion to this course of action.
"Maybe only tomato sauce, then?"
"I think I can do that," is my answer.
Get noodles. Get sauce. Throw both in sauce pan. Heat. Test for warmth. Put contents on plate.
"Matt, will you tell Ian that he has to eat at the table because the sauce is too messy to eat on the bed?"
Matt walks back to the boys' room, then returns. Ian follows.
"I want to eat in my room."
"Baby, it's too messy. I need you to eat at the table."
"I'M NOT HUNGRY!" Ian storms off to his room.
"That went well," I said.


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